Teachers & Employees

of the Year

“We LOVE our teachers!”
We hear this sentiment a lot in the Alpine School District and we agree 100%! 
Thanks to support from doTERRA, the Alpine School District Foundation has been able to provide the Teacher & Employee of the Year at every school and district location  with special recognition and a gift. 
In the coming years, we hope to continue to expand what we can do to say thank you to our amazing teachers and employees throughout the largest school district in Utah. 
Jeremiah Hartsock - THS
Kim Sweat - Meadow Elementary
Nick Davis - Summit
Tiffany Quintero - LJH
Anna Moore - Alpine Elementary
Rachel McFarland - AFHS

Please contact Tyler Vigue  with any questions or ideas you have to help our outstanding professionals know how much they are loved and appreciated. 
Tyler Vigue (801) 610-8425 – tvigue@alpinedistrict.org