STARS Summer Reading Program

Students and Teachers Achieving Reading Success

A girl student holding books on her head with an apple in the other hand
Teacher and students sitting on the floor reading a book

Give the Gift of Literacy!

The acronym for this intervention was motivated by the story of the starfish and the opportunity to make a real difference for each child served. 

STARS (Students and Teachers Achieving Reading Success) is a proven program that provides students finishing kindergarten and first grade, whose skills are below average, with a 20-day, evidence-based structured literacy with targeted small group interventions. Early intervention is the most efficient and effective way to ensure success in literacy and staying on grade level. This quality instruction time with some of Alpine District’s finest teachers concentrates on basic skills, changing the lives of students, lifting them academically and promoting greater self-confidence to ensure better long-term academic outcomes. 

The Alpine School District Foundation has been asked to fund the STARS experience and it has grown to serve more than 350 children in more than 20 summer school classrooms. Every school that wants the program now has access to it! 

However, the funding required for STARS is continuing to rise and we can use your help to ensure that this program continues to serve all of the students who need it. 

Please consider making a gift today to help STARS or consider becoming a sponsor for the “Swing for the STARS” Golf Tournament, held in September. For questions about STARS or becoming a sponsor please contact the Foundation at 801-610-8425.

"I have seen major improvements in her reading, and she has too... She has also gained confidence and seems to enjoy reading a lot more. Her little brothers love it because she now reads to them."
"We have seen a great improvement in George's attitude toward reading and writing. He is reading very well and catches his mistakes now."
"I have seen improvement in her reading and her new excitement towards writing her own poems and stories."
"STARS is a godsend."

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